The Borderlands of Biracialism
'You can choose now. You can be black and white. Biracialism is a 'thing.' I barely heard the young woman's words. They were like an echo. And that is how I came to call Mariah. I needed to hear her say [...]
'You can choose now. You can be black and white. Biracialism is a 'thing.' I barely heard the young woman's words. They were like an echo. And that is how I came to call Mariah. I needed to hear her say [...]
A risk-free world is a very dull world, one from which we are apt to learn little of consequence. -Geerat Vermeij Photo by Ian Froome on Unsplash
“You are a dark and dirty child.” The whispered words floated but gained speed and slammed through me. Burning like burrowed chiggers. I never knew why she hated me. Shy and sensitive to all external stimuli, I only wanted to [...]
The other evening, we attended the first anniversary celebration at Hye Rum. We looked forward to it because their grand opening had been a blast. Tired from a long day at work, there was no way I was going to [...]
I Got Cancer for my Birthday. For six weeks, I lived with a death sentence. I turned 50 knowing I might not make my next birthday. Worse, my husband and kids lived it too. I was alone with my surgeon [...]
The first 2 years of my life, my palette was influenced by the Philippines. Mangoes, papayas, guayabano, coconut, and bananas. To this day, I crave those foods. That was the beginning of a very complex journey. Food is as complicated [...]
Travel. What does travel mean to me? Travel is a part of me. It is a constant adventure that has helped shape me into the person I am today. I carry each place, each experience, each moment, with me wherever I [...]