In the mist enveloping the scene,
Those great Druids in my dreams
stood poised to scythe the fruit
of their tree, sacred CRANN BETHADH.
In my dreams, childhood reflections,
they were more like the trees
Grandfather planted, sweet seedlings,
nothing more, still nothing less.
They sprouted through Grandfather’s
life and passed the mark he bequeathed
to us. They sprouted to vast canopies
to shut out sky, and with rising
power, shut out the smell of summer-baked
pies set on summer sills to cool if
they could in the hot lingering Virginia
air, settled and impenetrable
in its oppression, heavy and thick.
They shut out the vivid yellow of
dandelions searching a morsel
of ground, thinned in parched weakness.
They shut out the touch of wind
caresses stopped quick at the
canopies domain, greedy and jealous
of territory. They shut out
the taste of remembered summer forage,
their great roots heaving and twisting,
breaking everything man meant to settle in
place. Bricks broken and displaced,
shattered in their demise, pulled
into treacherous paths no longer
fit to tread, earth pitched and swollen,
choking all other sensory performance
until the smell of earth wrapped its
tenacious tendrils, twisting and clasping
to the senses, unlocking all that had been
denied. No more sky, swept, no more wind,
swept, just stillness of breath, the smell
of life, the smell of death, the smell of
that which rested well within their circle,
an abundant earth to which his oaks clung
breathless in my dreams.
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