The Art of Expectation
Novelty ordinarily emerges only for the man who, knowing with precision what he should expect, is able to recognize that something has gone wrong. -Thomas S. Kuhn Photo by Arnold Dogelis on Unsplash
Novelty ordinarily emerges only for the man who, knowing with precision what he should expect, is able to recognize that something has gone wrong. -Thomas S. Kuhn Photo by Arnold Dogelis on Unsplash
If a city never sleeps, does that mean we get to stay up all night and read? Photo by Christopher Burns on Unsplash
A risk-free world is a very dull world, one from which we are apt to learn little of consequence. -Geerat Vermeij Photo by Ian Froome on Unsplash
“You are a dark and dirty child.” The whispered words floated but gained speed and slammed through me. Burning like burrowed chiggers. I never knew why she hated me. Shy and sensitive to all external stimuli, I only wanted to [...]
Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don’t be sorry. – Jack Kerouac T-R-A-V-E-L is 6 distinct letters combined to create infinite meaning. Far more than going from one place to another, it is a journey. Inside every journey is a [...]
Dad’s words are elusive. I have pages and pages of his later life, but those that reveal the brief period between leaving Marysville and graduating high school are sparse. They reveal little of what he endured or how he felt. [...]
There is a moment, almost radical in pulse, when life bursts from its winter slumber. Flowers slowly rise from the warming ground. Buds discreetly crawl from the craggy arms of seemingly lifeless trees. In a heartbeat, they unfurl in an [...]
Point of View and Worldview are complex. We are born with our genes to help guide our way, but they are no more than a floor on which to stand. Events mold and shape us as the world evolves, but [...]
Death. I imagine all the ways to deal with such an end. You can come up swinging. Or, you can allow it to be subsumed into a moment in which you become consumed by grief for that now dead world. [...]
When Dad died, there were 2 versions of his life written for his obituary. My brother’s and mine. My brother’s version won which was only right. Living in the same town, he had been there for the heartbreaking decline. I [...]