Mapping Grief
Dad’s words are elusive. I have pages and pages of his later life, but those that reveal the brief period between leaving Marysville and graduating high school are sparse. They reveal little of what he endured or how he felt. [...]
Dad’s words are elusive. I have pages and pages of his later life, but those that reveal the brief period between leaving Marysville and graduating high school are sparse. They reveal little of what he endured or how he felt. [...]
When Pearl Harbor happened, it was like an itch that commanded the big scratch. The day it happened, Grandad called his kids in to hear the radio. You could hear a pin drop but for the announcer and his dramatic [...]
I’ve struggled with where to begin. That’s the thing about stories. Where does it all begin and where does it end. So, I will begin where all good stories do – in the middle. It is from where we are [...]
All human matters have their light and dark sides. We are a reflection of the universe in which we exist. We swim in a soup of dark matter. About twenty-three percent of the universe's energy is carried by dark matter. [...]