Today, I Am Crazy
When little things feel big, it's time to stop and reflect about those things that really matter.
When little things feel big, it's time to stop and reflect about those things that really matter.
I Got Cancer for my Birthday. For six weeks, I lived with a death sentence. I turned 50 knowing I might not make my next birthday. Worse, my husband and kids lived it too. I was alone with my surgeon [...]
I woke this morning to high hot winds, weird clouds, and 50% chance of high winds and hail with severe thunderstorms. Wind we definitely had. I would love to dial into those who say there are no [...]
I’ve struggled with where to begin. That’s the thing about stories. Where does it all begin and where does it end. So, I will begin where all good stories do – in the middle. It is from where we are [...]