Rabbit Hole Down
I love a good rabbit hole which means I love a good walkabout through and around a good open-ended question. It always comes back to the fantastical den of Alice in Wonderland's rabbit hole and the peculiar round of logic [...]
I love a good rabbit hole which means I love a good walkabout through and around a good open-ended question. It always comes back to the fantastical den of Alice in Wonderland's rabbit hole and the peculiar round of logic [...]
The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart. - Carlos Santana In preparation for NaNoWriMo 2017 (National and International Novel Writing Month), I made the declaration that I would not put a single drop of alcohol to [...]
It is often difficult to separate chaff from grain -- to winnow the wheat in the harvest -- the truth from that which becomes hidden. The concept, of course, requires some judgement, but that only infuses things with potential conflict. [...]