The gray is gone. Big sky has returned.

There are some chores that can’t wait for Mother’s Day to pass. I don’t mind. Once you’ve had cancer, even the most menial of chores are meditative.

We waited last night for Patrick to come home from college, his car filled with a year of dirty clothes and books. I watched him as he flew down the road. I knew when it was him even though it was dark, late, and he was far off. I knew. The hummingbird feeders dangled empty in the warm night breeze.

I talked to my Mom in Virginia. I cleaned the feeders and filled them with new nectar. Megan called. She is safely ensconced in her Grandmother’s house for the weekend. I am thankful for family and the love of my mother-in-law. I am blessed with 2 mothers.

I started the mountains of laundry. As I said, there is therapy in the most mundane of chores.

I made myself a coffee shake. I mixed cold strong black coffee. I love the coffee from Independence Coffee Company. Jackhammer. I mixed it with 3 scoops of vanilla ice cream and about 3TB of chocolate syrup. Blend it. Top it with whipped cream and a swirl of chocolate syrup.

I like my old-fashioned Osterizer for shaking things up.

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Sometimes, it’s just good to do nothing. I realize doing laundry is doing something, but it’s still a lazy day. I made some super water and watched the clouds drift by.

Lemons, limes, cucumber, pepper, fresh ginger, mint, basil.


I know my loved ones are safe today. We are within family. It is a good day.

There is magic in a world that is filled with the mundane.

May all the mother’s of the world be blessed and surrounded by what matters most — those whom they love.

Happy Mother’s Day.