Relationships can get complicated. Here is a list of the characters who really matter or who help drive the plot in Entangled Moon. Feel free to print this off and refer to it when things get…well, entangled:

Heather Collings–protagonist and part of the butt-kicking horse-stompin’ kick-ass club
Eve–one of the members of the club, biracial aid worker in Africa
Mariah Westerman–one of the members of the club, multiracial journalist
Fiona MacDonald McDermott–one of the members of the club, 2nd generation Scots Highlander married to plastic surgeon
Esperanza–one of the members of the club, mestizo Cuban American, married to professor at Dartmouth College

Tanya Garrison–biracial employee of AAC who doesn’t make it much past the first chapter
Michael Saxton–can’t keep his sticky fingers out of the cookie jar or his company’s affairs
Harold Skule–assassin
Paul–Vietnam vet who keeps lurking around
Tammy “The Tank” Pfeiffer–childhood bully
Damon–Fiona’s crush in 1968
Jazmin–Damon’s girlfriend in 1968

Brandon Collings–Heather’s husband
Shannon Collings–Heather’s 4-year-old precocious daughter

Terrell–Eve’s beloved brother
Jerome–Eve’s boyfriend

Clay Westerman–Mariah’s brother
Chase Westerman–Mariah’s brother
Dennis–geophysicist and enrolled member of the Three Affiliated Tribes

Gavin McDermott–Fiona’s husband, plastic surgeon to the stars
Sam McDermott–Fiona’s precocious teenage daughter
Molly McDermott–Fiona’s second born daughter
Sean McDermott–Fiona’s third born and only son
Abella–housekeeper to the McDermott’s

Tomas–Esperanza’s husband, professor at Dartmouth College
Carlos–Esperanza’s son
Izzy–Esperanza’s daughter
Angelica–Esperanza’s daughter

Jorge Nunez–works at factory in Cuidad Frontera. There is a real Cuidad Frontera but the one in Entangled Moon is fictional. Translated, it means border town or town on the frontier.

Astride Amalgamated Corporation (AAC)-multinational corporation with multiple divisions including water capture, wastewater treatment, computer manufacturing, financial services, etc.

Maka MananaMaka is earth in Lakota but not an inanimate entity but rather a relative with whom there is a very personal relationship and Manana means tomorrow but can also infer an indefinite point in the future in Spanish. The term became something that bound the five women together and communicated a sense that their love for each other was infinite, timeless, and transcendent.

I hope you enjoy.

Maka Manana