The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter, and the spirit heals with joy. ~ Proverb
This has been a hard year. In the midst of so much sorrow, I watched as some profited from others’ misfortunes.
There was darkness. One storm followed another, both natural and un-natural and, everywhere, loved ones were caught in their wake.
Everyone survived, but our country is wounded. It is as if one giant fracking occurred down the middle.
I had to re-find my light and my voice. After a reunion with my kids, some good old-fashioned house cleaning, and a return to a clean diet, I am ready to begin anew and there is no better time than All Hallow’s Eve and Samhain.
Coming to terms with grief is a way of honoring transitions. Rumi said, “your grief for what you have lost lifts a mirror up to where you are bravely working.” Samhain. It is the night into the day of the year when the veil is the thinnest and we may commune with those who have gone before us.
But it is also the time for trickster ~ a reminder to not take ourselves so seriously.
It is the in-between time. The betwixt and between.
It is a great time to assess health, spiritual place, and the path chosen within community. Social media and individual attainment of wealth makes it easy to forget community, but we are all in this together.
So tonight, I light a candle for my ancestors and loved ones who have passed. I light a candle for the spiritual journey of tomorrow, and I light a candle for this fragile and beautiful world.
Tomorrow, I write.
Photo by Lyndsey Marie on Unsplash
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